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3rd Annual Fundraiser

Youth Rise is a remarkable non-profit organization that is entirely self-funded and dedicated to creating life-giving communities and resources for the youth of Edmonton.

Their unwavering mission is to pave the way for a brighter future for young individuals in need.


Youth Rise



chris from Everyother Studio revealing spray painted sign
Transforming Lives One Dollar At A Time
At their highly anticipated 3rd annual fundraiser, Youth Rise set an ambitious goal to raise $175,000. This crucial funding would enable them to resource vital programming, providing a lifeline for at-risk and vulnerable youth in Edmonton. Moreover, achieving this milestone would propel Youth Rise toward their vision of constant growth and advancement.
Youth Rise fundraiser night
Youth Rise Director of Programs

Outstanding Outcome, Surpassing Expectations

The dedicated efforts of Youth Rise and their unwavering commitment to their cause yielded remarkable results. Within a mere 14 days, they not only met but surpassed their fundraising goal, raising $185,000. This extraordinary achievement stands as a testament to the overwhelming support and belief in the organization's mission, validating the essential work they do in transforming the lives of Edmonton's youth.

A major hurdle faced by Youth Rise was creating tailored content for both live and online presentations. Recognizing the significance of this challenge, Youth Rise collaborated with Everyother Studio and Nudge Creative. Through this partnership, seven compelling video pieces were produced, each showcasing the organization's future aspirations, day-to-day operations, key partnerships, and most importantly, the inspiring stories of the youth they serve. This versatile content was further repurposed throughout the year to increase brand awareness, ensuring continuous engagement with stakeholders and potential funders.

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